What service business doesn’t want to get booked solid? We’ve pulled together our favorite tips for converting your window shoppers into appointment bookings.
1. Promote a single call to action

Give the visitor a single, clear action you want them to take and make sure that “call to action” is easy to find.
💡 WEBSITE INSIGHT: You could have a prominent “Book Now” button on your website’s homepage or a link right in your navigation.
2. Be bookable 24/7

What’s better than getting appointments while you sleep? Giving your customers the convenience to make an appointment while you sleep.
Use an online form or appointment-booking software to accept appointments around the clock.
At Jottful, we use Calendly for appointment bookings. We have multiple appointment-booking calls to action throughout our homepage and we use different language on them so we can appeal to different audiences. Here are the words we’re currently using on our call-to-action buttons:
- Contact us
- Let’s chat
- Request your free sample website
- Talk to Natalie
And many of our customers use Calendly’s appointment-booking software, too! We just incorporate it onto their websites. Typically we link to it from a button, but some of our customers also include a little “widget” that appears in the lower-right corner of their website. When a customer clicks on it, an appointment-booking window is launched.
P.S. Jottful connects with most appointment-booking software. Contact us if you need a new website and want to confirm we can work with whatever you use today (or you’d like a recommendation).
3. Be ready to assist

Sometimes your customer will want to ask a few questions before making a booking. Provide your phone number, online chat, or your email address so they can get their questions answered.
4. Make your address findable

People often want to understand how far away your business is from their starting point, so make it easy to find your street address by putting it on a Contact Us page or, even better, in the footer of every page.
5. Link from your social media accounts

Whether you use appointment-booking software or a form on your website, promote the ability to “book now” right from your social media accounts.
What will you do to help your lookers become bookers?