Just making your would-be customer aware that you exist is not enough. They need to establish a relationship with you before they buy. Marketers commonly refer to this relationship-building process as Know, Like & Trust. 

So once your would-be customer knows you exist, what can you do to get them to like you? Here are five tips. 


Engage to make your business likeable

1. Engage

Recently I responded to a tweet that mentioned Blaze Pizza and how rapidly the business’s revenue has grown since its inception (and investment by LeBron James). Three minutes later, the company, which has more than 300 locations across the U.S., replied to me. Do you think I’ll be ordering from Blaze again soon? 

Engage with your audience. Comment on their social posts. Respond promptly to their questions. Turn comments into conversations and you’ll earn a friend. 


People will like you more if you're human

2. Be human

Many of us find it more comfortable to hide behind a logo than to put our real and whole selves out there, publicly. But people buy from people. So let others learn a bit more about you, as the business owner. Tell your stories to make personal connections with your audience. This may feel a bit unsettling at first, but it’s a proven way to deepen your relationships with would-be customers.


Be pleasant, be liked

3. Be pleasant

Even if your brand is edgy, there’s something to be said for being positive. Constant pessimism or negative framing turns people off. Generous people (and businesses) naturally attract others. Be that business.


People like interesting businesses

4. Be interesting

Give things that are relevant to your audience — things they will be grateful to learn and receive.

💡 WEBSITE INSIGHT: Share educational or entertaining content on your website. Add a compelling introduction to your blog posts, and find ways to pique your audience’s interest.


Be understandable

5. Be understandable

Communicate with your audience using the language and level of formality they prefer. If your audience is comprised of medical, legal, or educational professionals, this might mean using more academic language. For most audiences, short words and sentences are more likely to be appropriate. 

And don’t bore anyone with bland corporate-speak. Or more to the point: don’t bore anyone.