A brand voice is a way of communicating that is distinct, consistent across all media (no matter who is doing the speaking or writing on behalf of your company), and relevant to your audience.
You can reflect your brand voice both in the topics you discuss and the words you use.
So, why should your business develop its own brand voice? Here are five reasons:

1. A brand voice can set expectations for a customer’s experience with your brand.
We expect to be entertained by a BuzzFeed article but educated by a New York Times article, even when they’re writing on the same topic. Consider what your brand voice is saying about the service you deliver.
💡 WEBSITE INSIGHT: Ensure your website content reflects your brand voice consistently across all pages, from homepage to product descriptions. This helps visitors understand what to expect from your brand and fosters trust.
2. A brand voice differentiates your business from competitors.
Key to a brand voice is its distinctiveness. Always be sure your brand voice speaks from a place of authenticity — but do take a moment to review your competitors’ marketing materials to find ways it can stand out.
3. A brand voice makes your business more memorable.
A brand voice creates an opportunity for repetition (a cornerstone of memorable-ness) without becoming boring.
4. A brand voice helps clarify your intended audience.
When done well, a brand voice should speak directly to your target market, using language they use. This has the double benefit of attracting members of your target market and turning away less qualified prospects.
💡 WEBSITE INSIGHT: Tailor your website content to speak directly to your target audience’s needs, interests, and preferences. Use language and imagery that resonate with them, guiding them through the buyer’s journey and encouraging engagement.
5. A brand voice establishes familiarity in your relationships.
Your customers and prospects will come to know your business by the way you communicate with them. Do so consistently and a relationship will develop.