Affordable Marketing Tips
Sharing strategies & ideas to help your business succeed.
Blog content writing: the art of the longform post
As studies have shown for several years now, to obtain the most visible spots in Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs), you should write longform content.
How to get better at saying “no”
It’s been said that saying “no” can sometimes be the best “yes.” Learn five tips for setting healthy boundaries.
5 great holiday swag ideas
During the holidays, one thing on your list may be picking a gift to send your clients. Here are five great ideas to get your creative juices flowing!
5 last-minute Small Business Saturday marketing ideas
Small Business Saturday can be a great opportunity to market your business. Here are five last-minute marketing things you could do — before you throw the turkey in the oven and kick off your holiday weekend.
12 business survival tips from “Survivor”
Business is game. And, like all games, it has winners and losers. How can you set up your business for success? Here are 12 tips from Survivor, the television show that has been a staple on CBS since 2000.
How to find a professional photographer for your small business
Not all photographers are created equal. Here are three things to keep in mind as you begin the search for a photographer for your small business.