Affordable Marketing Tips
Sharing strategies & ideas to help your business succeed.
How to use video to grow your business: taking the first steps
Getting started with video can feel overwhelming. And that’s all after you get past the nervousness of being on camera in the first place. Dan Bennett teaches us how to get started.
4 ways video can make people aware of your business
Breaking down the top four ways to use video to generate awareness of your business — and reach new audiences.
Misadventures in video marketing
Thinking about using more video in your marketing? We’ve been experimenting with video in our marketing for a few months now. Learn from these mistakes we made!
PR pro shares 5 tips & the #1 mistake she sees business owners make
Actionable, real-world PR advice from public relations pro, Marybeth Bentwood — who helps small businesses get big publicity.
Using PR to win clients & media coverage — no matter the size of your business
Through her 15 years of strategic communications, Marybeth Bentwood has seen a good story help brands do three things: establish authority and credibility; make the brand relatable; and increase awareness. In this episode of Marketing Made Easy by Jottful, Marybeth shares how to use PR to win clients and gain more media coverage for your product.
5 tips to get prospects ready to buy
It's not enough for would-be customers to be aware that your business exists. They need to LIKE it, too. So how do you get them to do that? Here are five tips to make your business likeable.