I am a freelance photographer and graphic designer. I am an avid lover of things that go woof, bars with good music, rainy days, and thrilling short stories.

I started my graphic design career at Otterbein University where I received my B.A. in Visual Communications and Photography. While photography is a passion of mine; graphic design, illustration, and marketing are what guide my life.

My photography has grown towards the bright colors, high contrast that we see in the world as the “new” stock photography style. I also find portraits and headshots to be somewhat cold when done in a studio. I like nothing more than to take my clients to either outdoor locations or find compositional spaces in their work place for a fun, diverse take on the old headshot.

Most of my work focuses on simple shapes, color contrast, and typography. A concept found repeating in my work is the understanding that while simplicity might rest at the surface, the depth below is what is often untouched and most intriguing.

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