Affordable Marketing Tips
Sharing strategies & ideas to help your business succeed.
5 affordable & fun ways to get your store noticed
It can be hard to grab the attention of passersby. Here are five affordable and fun ways to get your store noticed, so you can turn your window shoppers into customers.
5 tips for fabulous business headshots
Still using a photo someone took of you on their phone, with your friends awkwardly cropped out of the scene? Whether it’s for a journalist, your website, a conference agenda, or your social media profiles, sometimes you just need a great-looking, professional headshot.
5 ways to use humor in your marketing
We all know that humor brings joy to our lives, diffuses tense situations, and helps us bring perspective to just about everything. Humor also makes us more open and more likely to engage. So, how can you add more humor into your marketing?
5 ways to build your small business brand
A brand is the collection of experiences your customers and prospects have with your company. A strong brand communicates what you do and how you do it. If done well, it also establishes trust and credibility.
5 perks to negotiate into your next event contract
Getting a booth at a festival or tradeshow this fall? You may be surprised what you could negotiate into your sponsorship agreement.
What is a brand voice? And why does your small business need one?
A brand voice is a way of communicating that is distinct, consistent across all media (no matter who is doing the speaking or writing on behalf of your company), and relevant to your audience.