Most people think of Pinterest as a social network, but it’s actually an image-first search engine. 

Think Pinterest is just for recipes and vacation-planning? Think again! You can find content on Pinterest for almost any industry and on nearly any topic. With more than 300 million people using it each month, Pinterest is definitely worth considering for marketing your business.

Here are five ways you can get your business noticed on Pinterest.


1. Create an appealing profile

Choose an image that represents your brand well, such as a logo or mascot. Then be sure to fill out your profile completely, including both your website and your physical address (city and state, at a minimum). You don’t get much space for your description, so edit, edit, edit until it’s polished. Don’t forget to incorporate keywords in your description!


2. Take content seriously

Content is king on Pinterest. If you want Pinterest to work, content marketing needs to be part of your marketing strategy.

💡 WEBSITE INSIGHT:  Create content on your website blog, then promote it on Pinterest to boost website traffic.

For example, this is what Jottful’s blog content looks like on Pinterest


3. Don’t be afraid to share other people’s content

You want your business to be seen as a leader in its category (whatever that is). Sharing relevant content created by other people helps you become a go-to resource for topics that are important to you. 


4. Use hashtags

As with other social media websites, hashtags link visitors to similar content, making it easier for people to find you for the topics you write about. Add a few hashtags to each of your pins so  people can find your content more effectively.


5. Make good use of keywords

Keywords are especially important for local, small businesses.

Using location-based keywords (e.g., #KansasCity) allows you to be found by the people who matter most. 

Here are some places where you should add keywords, including location-based keywords:

  • Name
  • Biography
  • Board Titles
  • Board Descriptions
  • Pin Descriptions